Obesogens are artificial chemicals that interfere with the normal functioning of the hormonal system. As a result, they can lead to overweight or obesity.
These types of chemicals increase the risk of weight gain. Moreover, their consequences are even more harmful in the early stages of life. In addition, they may be associated with an increased risk of developing other diseases.
Phthalates as obesogens
Phthalates are a series of compounds that add to certain foods that we regularly consume. By themselves, they are not toxic, and the liver can break them down. However, they can have some negative consequences for our health. And this is especially true when it comes to weight gain.
A study published in Hemispheres magazine showed that exposure to these compounds in pregnant women causes low birth weight. However, this is associated with a higher risk of weight gain in the later stages, particularly in adulthood.
These substances are mostly present in cosmetics, plastic products, and cleaning products. They can act on the endocrine system, interfering with its work.
Bisphenol A
This chemical compound is often found in plastics as well as in soft drink jars. The risk is that it can sometimes spread from packaging to food and beverages. As a result, it can enter the human body when we eat or drink.
In an article published in the Journal of Environmental Protection, the effects of these types of compounds are linked to metabolic disorders. These substances are really able to contribute to the emergence of diabetes and hypertension with all the negative consequences that these diseases have on our health.
Other obesogens: tobacco smoke
Tobacco smoke also falls into the category of obesogens. In this case, the compound may increase the development of cancer, according to a study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Studies. Both smokers and passive smokers can experience hormonal disturbances that negatively affect their health.
How to avoid these substances?
When it comes to taking care of your health, it takes a lot more than just paying attention to what you eat. Also, keep in mind that the packaging may also contain many harmful substances.
Therefore, when possible, you should choose foods that are environmentally friendly and do not contain excessive amounts of plastic.
Another useful strategy is to avoid plastic water bottles and replace them with glass or stainless steel containers.
Certain factors are difficult to control. For example, environmental pollution or exposure to secondhand smoke cannot always be avoided.
Therefore, it is very important to increase the consumption of foods that have antioxidant properties. These substances can fight damage to cellular DNA. In addition, they also improve hormonal function.
Obesogens are the biggest enemy of your diet
The relation between contaminants and health is not entirely clear. However, experts believe that these products have negative effects on our bodies. Weight gain and obesity are not the only reasons why obesogens are the biggest enemy of your diet. They can lead to some different serious diseases.
Therefore, it is better to avoid them as much as possible. To do this, consume foods from organic sources, and never use plastic packaging for food and beverages.
As for the choice of cosmetics, you should carefully read the labels to make sure that it does not contain any of the above substances.
Also, keep in mind that it is difficult to eliminate the effects of such substances. In fact, it is almost impossible. Therefore, it is extremely important to improve your diet to provide the body with essential nutrients and prevent oxidation.
In addition, proper nutrition promotes the proper functioning of the hormonal system. At the same time, it will reduce the signs of poor metabolic health.
At the same time, regular exercise also plays a key role in this process. Combining exercise with proper nutrition is a great way to stay healthy.
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