Obesity is one of the most common diseases of our time, which affects the metabolism. In this disease a person in large quantities accumulates excess fatty tissue. This is due to the lack of balance between absorbed calories and energy costs.
What is dangerous obesity
If a person does not burn carbohydrates from food, they accumulate, which causes obesity. The deposition of fatty tissue in large quantities is not a cosmetic problem, but a dangerous ailment. To cope with obesity, an integrated approach is needed, which includes medical care. Consultation of a nutritionist and endocrinologist will allow to develop such a diet that will help reduce fat deposition, but it will not damage your health and will balance the hormonal background. Also, a set of physical exercises is developed, and if necessary, medical treatment is used. Such a serious approach to this disease is associated not only with the fact that it affects the appearance of a person and affects his ability to work. Obesity knocks down the natural rhythms of many organs. Therefore, this ailment leads to concomitant diseases.
There is a certain way of measuring the physical parameters of the body, determining the maximum permissible weight of a person. This takes into account the sex, age, growth. You can find the body mass index calculator or calculate it yourself. To do this, divide the body mass by the height, squared.
Obesity is diagnosed only after a person gains more than 30% of body weight from the top of the set maximum. Thus, obesity itself is classified:
- the first stage is when the body mass is about 30% greater than the maximum healthy weight;
- the second stage occurs when the normal weight is exceeded by 30-50%;
- the third stage is characterized by exceeding the norm by 50-100%;
- the heaviest is the fourth stage. It is attributed to patients with obesity, in which the body weight is more than the maximum allowed by more than 100% of the norm.
At the same time, obesity greatly weakens the body, so that the first health problems in the patient begin with those systems of organs that were already not very healthy or strong. There is also a general list of obesity-related diseases, which affects every (or almost every) patient, depending on the specific case of obesity.
Obesity also affects the skin. Due to the increase in fat deposits on the body appear striae, the skin becomes sluggish and dry.
Obesity affects the reproductive function of both men and women. In addition, with obesity, pregnancy and childbirth are much more complicated and painful.
When obesity is observed displacement of internal organs, their deformation (for example, stretching of the stomach), which leads to the emergence of new pathologies.
Obesity and cardiovascular diseases
More than half of obese people are susceptible to such a disease as arterial hypertension. Gradually increasing pressure is due to the fact that the body is trying to cope with the increasing load on it. The most dangerous obesity is that most of the deposits concentrate in the abdomen.
Excess fat tissue is not a passive ballast. Unfortunately, this tissue remains chemically and biologically active. It significantly affects the hormonal background, as well as secretes fatty acids that enter the bloodstream. These substances are a dangerous threat to the liver.
With arterial hypertension, the patient has a risk of the following diseases:
- myocardial infarction;
- cardiac ischemia;
- stroke and other damage to the circulatory system of the brain.
Also, dystrophic changes in the myocardium, as well as atherosclerotic changes, can be noted. In addition, blood circulation is disturbed, especially capillary. This is not only due to a violation of the structure of the body tissues, but also because of problems with blood coagulability. Clogging of blood vessels with thrombi becomes a dangerous threat to life. Therefore, making an appointment with a cardiologist with obesity means trying to save yourself from death. Moreover, the excess of fat deposits greatly aggravates the current cardiovascular diseases and complicates their treatment.
Obesity and diabetes
One of the most dangerous diseases that occurs due to obesity is diabetes. Symptoms of it are as follows:
- increased urine output;
- thirst;
- weight loss with a consistently high appetite;
- decreased efficiency;
- high fatigue;
- reduction of protective functions of the body.
In most cases, obesity is the cause of type 2 diabetes, which develops slowly enough, but is a serious threat to life. In turn, this disease provokes the appearance of cataracts, causes erectile dysfunction, affects the health of the kidneys, etc.
Image credit: mohamed_hassan