Often, people wanting to lose weight, exclude from the diet foods that contain animal fats. And in vain. After all, the lack of animal fats in the body adversely affects not only the figure, but also human health.
Fats: Species
Hearing about the problems that lead to animal fats, people often abandon them and include a sufficient amount of vegetable fats. In this case, the deficiency of animal fats and excessive consumption of vegetable fats (and vice versa), can lead to serious consequences.
And not always in fats of animal origin contains more calories than in vegetable fats, as many people think. So, a serving of vegetable salad, dressed with vegetable oil, contains about two hundred kilocalories, and the same amount of salad, but with sour cream – one hundred kilocalories. Caloric content of a sandwich (from whole grain bread) with butter is two hundred and twenty kilocalories, and handfuls of nuts – three hundred and thirty kilocalories. In this case, a liter of vegetable oil has more fat than a pound of fat. Plus, fat contains the same fats that are in vegetable oil, as well as saturated (animal) fats and some fats present in the red fish.
For the course of normal life, a person needs all fats, both vegetable and animal. And they must necessarily enter the body with food, but in a moderate amount.
Fats are divided into two large groups: saturated and unsaturated. The first is mainly found in animal food, and the latter – in plant foods. Fatty acids perform an important function and transport minerals, vitamins and other substances to the cells, and also participate in their construction.
Saturated fatty acids
As you know, without energy a person can not live, and it, in turn, gives saturated acids. They are also the source of those fatty acids from which nerve fibers, cell membranes are built, and also some hormones. Stocks in the body of saturated fatty acids need to be replenished from time to time, because some of them go to energy, the construction of cells, objects, etc.
Saturated fats are a source of fat-soluble vitamins, and also transport them to the right place. There are four fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K. Fat-soluble vitamins maintain skin tone, prevent dryness and fragility of hair, retain moisture in the skin, and perform other important processes.
Fats of animal origin contain cholesterol, without which vitamin D is not synthesized in the body (formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight). And without cholesterol there is no normal synthesis of hemoglobin.
Therefore, the consumption of appropriate products with iron deficiency in the body and the lack of fat in the diet, in this case, benefit will not bring. Lack of fats of animal origin causes a disorder of the hormonal background, central nervous system, cardiovascular.
Through saturated fatty acids, the construction of myelin sheaths is carried out, with which nerve fibers are covered. If the food does not contain enough fat, it can lead to serious impairment directly in the structure, as well as in the construction of those fibers that conduct nerve impulses to and from the brain.
By the way, the human brain is about sixty percent fat. Absence of fats in the diet, including animal origin, leads to violations of normal brain function.
Unsaturated fatty acids
Unsaturated fatty acids, in contrast to saturated fatty acids, when ingested, can enter into compounds with certain useful substances and transport them along the bloodstream to the desired site of the organism.
Unsaturated fatty acids are involved in the processes of metabolism. However, with an excess of unsaturated fats, excess energy appears, leading to obesity. In addition, with a high intake of vegetable fats, blood thickens and the risk of blood clots increases. This is also dangerous, as is the excessive amount of animal fats.
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