A lipophilic diet is a nutritional plan based on the consumption of exclusively natural products. Any industrial processing and semi-finished products are prohibited. Fruits and vegetables are allowed in small quantities.
Completely prohibited products in the package, regardless of their naturalness. Any food containing fat, salt, or sweeteners is also limited.
As we have said, the main goal is to avoid processed foods. It is no secret that they are one of the main causes of health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure. In addition, if they are in large quantities, they cause damage to internal organs.
As a result, at the time of completely abandoning their use, you will be able to level the damage already done to the body. Although, unfortunately, in some cases it is already impossible to do. In the case of chronic diseases, you should consult with your doctor before starting this diet.
Lipophilic diet consists of two stages:
Stage 1
First you need to adapt to a new lifestyle. This stage lasts 4 months and is the most difficult because of strict restrictions in food. During this time you need to get used to the new dishes and methods of their preparation. Probably the first time you will experience bouts of hunger due to the fact that it will be difficult for you to correctly calculate the size of the portions.
In addition, at this stage, the meal schedule is key and cannot be shifted. So, it is recommended to eat every 2 hours to speed up the metabolism and help the body burn fat.
Stage 2
Now we need to try to preserve the success achieved at stage 1. In general, its duration is from 1 to 4 months, but many prefer to extend it.
Before making this decision, consult your doctor. He will probably suggest that you take tests to see if it would be beneficial for you to continue this diet.
What foods should I avoid?
On the one hand, exclude everything that you cannot eat in the raw, as natural as possible. On the other hand, some 100% natural products will also have to be abandoned. Of course, this greatly complicates the preparation of the menu.
- The most obvious candidates for exclusion are, of course, alcohol, sugar, and vinegar. Nevertheless, some protein products, such as salmon and sausages, will also have to be abandoned.
- In addition, banned fruits that contain a lot of sugar. Among them are banana, melon, fig and pineapple. As for vegetables, cross out the menu cucumber, eggplant, cauliflower and carrots.
- From the moment you start your diet, stay away from cookies, bread and pasta.
Resolved products
As you can see, the list of banned products is quite long. But do not worry, the allowed positions are not less. You can safely eat beef and veal, fish and poultry (low-fat varieties). You can cook meat dishes steamed, grilled, in the oven or cook soup.
Other approved foods include eggs (white and yolk), skimmed lactose-free milk, and skimmed natural yogurt. By following this diet, you will lower the level of “bad” cholesterol, which means you will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
As for vegetables, you can eat any green salads, celery, cilantro. All of them are a rich source of beneficial fiber.
Fruits can be eaten any, with the exception of those that we have listed in the list of prohibited foods. Just keep in mind that a large amount of sweet fruit can increase blood glucose levels. So choose not too sweet options and observe the measure.
Now that you know what a lipophilic diet is, you can try to follow it. However, it is better to ask your doctor in advance if it will harm you. Usually there are no problems, but still, when it comes to your health, it is better to be safe.
Picture Credit: silviarita