Do you go to the gym, try to eat right, and the weight is stubbornly in place or stubborn “tummy” is still not pleasing to the eye in the mirror? Perhaps the reason is that the body has accumulated a lot of visceral (internal) fat.
How to get rid of excess visceral fat?
If the body gets rid of subcutaneous fat in the first place, then our “internal fat” is so easy to correct. And no liposuction will help here. But we ourselves can cope with a great desire and some patience.
Do not sit a hard diet
And ideally – do not sit on them at all. There is no way to get rid of visceral fat with severe dietary restrictions. Extreme dietary restrictions only contribute to the accumulation of reserves. With “fast diets” you can lose weight only by losing excess water and losing muscle mass.
Don’t give up carbs
After all, they are a source of energy. When the amount of carbohydrates in the daily diet drops sharply, the body again will rush to create strategic reserves of energy sources. That is, it will “cover” the internal organs with an even greater amount of visceral fat.
Eat carbs! But, if possible, – only complex carbs. That is porridge, cereals, bananas, pasta from hard varieties.
Most attention – for breakfast!
What should breakfast be like? The most useful breakfast is at the same time proteins, and complex carbohydrates, and fiber (vegetables). When you begin to follow this scheme, you notice that, indeed, during the day you do not need to “snacking” and in the evening you do not want anything sweet.
Keep about your posture
Spinal traction helps the organs return to their rightful places. And the abdominal fat, which the body was forced to accumulate in excess (in order to avoid mechanical friction inside), begins to be distributed and the visceral fat literally disappears.
Drink the water!
Of course, if you want your metabolism to speed up and getting rid of excess visceral fat to go faster. The body needs water to transport and excrete decay products. The classic norm is pure drinking water at the rate of 30 ml on 1 kg of your weight a day. The number can change to a greater if a person leads an active lifestyle or lives in a region with a hot climate. Conversely, maybe lower if the lifestyle is sedentary and the region of residence is quite harsh in climate.
Include in your diet foods rich in Omega-3, Omega-6 and vitamin C
Together, these elements not only improve the health of the body as a whole but also help to regulate metabolic processes.
According to one interesting study conducted over 12 weeks on 3 groups of people of different ages, taking Omega-3, accelerated metabolism:
- by 3.8% in youth;
- by 5.4% in adults;
- by 14% in elderly women.
In addition, Omega acids give a feeling of satiety, and in combination with exercise accelerate the growth of muscle mass and promote the faster breakdown of excess fat. And vitamin C, in turn, 30% accelerates the removal of excess fat.
And the best way is to walking!
Walking is a much safer option for physical activity compared to running and working out in the gym.
Walking is free, available to absolutely everyone. All it needs for walking is a personal desire.
Picture Credit: Unsplash